4th John Hagen, Azanp ? 1st left Lt. Wilson, in middle Sgt Hatton , right Sgt WestMeyer, 1st row L-R Danny Borgus, 2nd left David Connor, 4th Dan Reed, 6th Dennis Fain 3rd row Searing, 3rd from left 7th Jim Beleau, 2nd row - 3rd Robert Bird, Do you know anyone on these pictures?
The flag bearer is a Sp/4 Wpychowski
Second Row from Top - 4th from Right = Don Scott
Row 1 first one from right = Sfc Thrift,
3rd from right side = Sfc M Williams,
6th from the right = Ssg Lee,
1st row 4th row from left = Lt. Hanke
5th from left = SFC Alexander
4th from right is SSG Robinson
Top Row - 3rd Left =Robert Martin
Top Row - 4th Left = Frank Grissom
Front row 1st from left = Sfc Hilderbrand,
3rd one in from left = 1st Sgt Core
1st row from the left, 7th man in company = Peter D Schofield
In 4th row 11th from right or 9(1/2) from left is Sp4 DeGarmo
Do you know anyone on these pictures?
Theodore Lambitis 1sg(ret) 1961-1999
618th eng 62-65 USASFG(abn) W02,CSM,4para,foc(aux) Canada, 1994 to date MCI,RCAC.c (abn)(res) Canada 1999-date |